Peter Walks On Water (7/11)

Hey families!

Welcome to Church at Home! Follow through the instructions, videos, and activities below to create a Mission Kids church experience right in your living room!! We’re so glad you’re here!

Mission Kids in-person is BACK! 🎉

Kids Church for babies through 5th Graders is happening at all service times: 9am + 10:30am + 12pm + 6pm

This Sunday, we’re discovering…

Big Idea: I can trust God!

Bible Story: Peter Walks on Water - Matthew 14:22-23

What you do

  1. Watch the worship and story video together (and learn the verse of the month!!)

  2. Talk about each of the questions to keep the conversation going

  3. Pray together!

  4. Make it - check out our suggested art activity.

  5. Move it - to have some fun, move around, and reinforce the big idea!


Verse of the Month

Trust in the Lord (point up)

with all, (arms out wide)

your heart (hands over heart)

Proverbs 3:5 (open hands like a book)

God gave us the words of the Bible to show us who He is!

Practice the verse a few times! In Mission Kids, we often practice saying it different ways, like sqeaky, SUPER LOUD, or with a roar!


Talk It Out

  1. What did Peter and his friends see when they were on the boat at night? (They saw a man walking on the water, coming towards them.)

  2. How did that make the disciples feel? (They were afraid.)

  3. Who was the man walking on the water? (Jesus)

  4. What would you think if you saw someone walking on water?

  5. How did Peter want Jesus to prove that it was really Him? (He told Jesus to tell him to walk on the water)

  6. Did Peter do what Jesus said to do? (Yes)

  7. What happened when Peter got afraid while he was on the water? (He started to sink, but Jesus caught him.)

  8. What do you do when you are scared?

  9. What should we do when we get scared? (We can pray and we can trust God.)

Pray Together

Before you pray, make a list of your favorite shoes.  When you are done, pray together using the one below or your own.

“Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to show us that we can trust you. Jesus did so many amazing things that only He can do to show us that You sent Him and You have the power to do anything. Help us remember that no matter where we walk in our (name the shoes listed) shoes, we can trust You with all our hearts. We love You, God. In Jesus’ name, amen.”


wk 2.png

What you need: Activity page (view/print below or grab from your July Church Kit!), large craft stick, blue paper plate, tape, and markers.

What you do: 

  1. Grab a blue plate (or color one blue!) and boat label (or draw your own boat on a piece of paper)

  2. Place the boat on one side of the plate.

  3. Tape Peter to the top of the craft stick and show your kiddo how Peter can “walk” from the boat out to the water and back.

  4. Remind your kiddo, “When Peter thought he would sink Jesus helped Peter up, and they got into the boat together. Jesus wanted to show Peter that he could trust God even when things are scary.”


What you need: Tape or sidewalk chalk

What you do:

  1. Make three big, long lines with the scotch tape or go outside and use your chalk to draw lines

  2. Make one line straight, one line curvy, and one line zig-zag.

  3. See if you can walk the lines without falling off.


Continue the conversation all week by reminding each other of all the ways that we can trust God!


Also, make sure to sign up for a free Church Kit subscription! We will deliver the first week of each month with all the materials and printouts you need for Church at Home next month! August will be the last month for Church Kits 2021!

Follow us on Instagram

AND, make sure to stay in the loop by following us on Instagram @missionventura_kids to see what’s new!

See you next week here for Church at Home or in person at 5353 Walker St!


Armor of God (7/18)


Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (7/4)