The Holy Spirit Helps Us Love Everybody (5/9)

Hey families!

Welcome to Church at Home! Follow through the instructions, videos, and activities below to create a Mission Kids church experience right in your living room!! We are so glad you’re here!


Mission Kids will be back IN-PERSON during all service times! SEE YOU THERE!!!

This Sunday, we’re discovering…

Big Idea: The Holy Spirit Helps Us Love Everybody

Bible Story: More People Believe in Jesus (Acts 10:44-48)


  1. Watch the video! Sing and dance along to the worship songs, watch the Bible story, and connect the big idea to real life!

  2. Talk about each of the questions to keep the conversation going

  3. Do the activity together to have some fun and reinforce the big idea!

Talk It Through Together

Question of the day! (all ages!)

  • Go around the room and ask the question: “If you could be invisible for one day what would you do?”

Story Questions:

  1. What made Cornelius different from Peter?

  2. How did Peter find out that God’s love is for everyone?

  3. How has God shown love to you?

  4. Is there someone different from you in your life? How can you show love to them?

DO IT // activity

Materials: Activity Page (view/print below or grab from your May Church Kit!), pencil or pen

In each box of the activity page, write some ways that you can show love to the people around you! 

  • In box #1, write how you can show love to your family! 

  • In box #2, write how you can show love to your friends! 

  • In box #3, write how you can show love to other people you know but who aren't your friends! 

When we know God, we learn that God wants us to treat others with kindness. And that's where the Holy Spirit comes in . . . to help us love everyone! It's not enough to just say you love someone. Love is an action. So put some of these ideas into action this week!



Continue the conversation all week by talking about how we can find encouragement in Jesus!


Also, make sure to sign up for a free Church Kit subscription! We will deliver the first week of each month with all the materials and printouts you need for Church at Home next month, plus we’ve been known to throw in some bonus fun :)

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AND, make sure to stay in the loop by following us on Instagram @missionventura_kids to see what’s new!

See you next week at Mission Kids Church at Home!


The Holy Spirit Helps Us Do God’s Work (5/16)


The Holy Spirit Helps Us Want to Know God (5/2)