Jericho (6/13)

Hey families!

Welcome to Church at Home! Follow through the instructions, videos, and activities below to create a Mission Kids church experience right in your living room!! We’re so glad you’re here!

Mission Kids in-person is BACK! 🎉

Kids Church for babies through 5th Graders is happening at all service times: 9am + 10:30am + 12pm + 6pm

This Sunday, we’re discovering…

Big Idea: I can trust God!

Bible Story: Jericho - Joshua 5:13-6:27

What you do

  1. Watch the worship and story video together (and learn the verse of the month!!)

  2. Talk about each of the questions to keep the conversation going

  3. Pray together!

  4. Make it - check out our suggested art activity.

  5. Move it - to have some fun, move around, and reinforce the big idea!


Verse of the Month

I (point thumbs to chest))

trust in God, (point up)

I am not afraid (cross hands back and forth and shake your head)

Psalm 56:11 (open hands like a book)

God gave us the words of the Bible to show us who He is!

Practice the verse a few times! In Mission Kids, we often practice saying it different ways, like sqeaky, SUPER LOUD, or with a roar!


Talk It Out

  1. Who was Joshua? (He was the leader of God’s Army.)

  2. What was around the city of Jericho? (A huge wall that went all the way around it!)

  3. How do you think Joshua felt when he looked at the big wall?

  4. What did God tell Joshua to do? (Blow trumpets and march around the city.)

  5. What did Joshua do? (He trusted God and did what God told him to do.)

  6. What did God tell them to do on day seven? (He said march around the wall seven times and when Joshua says to shout, shout as loud as they can.)

  7. Do you think the army was confused by God’s instructions?

  8. What happened after the army marched and shouted? (The walls fell down!)

  9. Even when things don’t make sense, can we trust God? (Yes!)

  10. Who can trust God? (I can trust God!)

Pray Together

Before you pray, make a list of things you want to be when you grow up. It could be an occupation or a characteristic! When you are done, pray together using the one below or your own.

“Dear God, thank You for letting us dream of what we can grow up and be one day. I think it’s wonderful that [child’s name] wants to be a [items from list]. We pray that as we grow up, we will plan and dream and choose to trust that Your plan is best. We love You, God. In Jesus’ name, amen.”


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What you need: Horn, label, and stickers (grab from your June Church Kit or make your own!)

What you do: 

  1. Place the label and stickers on the horn to decorate it!

  2. March around the room blowing your horns, just like in the story today.

  3. Remind your kiddo that sometimes we may not understand how God’s plan will work, but we can trust God.


What you need: Rhythm Cards (view/print below or grab from your June Church Kit), and two sticks, wooden spoons, or anything you can tap together to make some noise.

What you do:

  1. Place the cards face down on the floor. 

  2. Hold up the first card and follow the pattern with the “sticks.” Explain that as you lower the card, they lower their sticks to the floor until you hold up the next card.

  3. Continue until you have gone through all the cards. 

  4. Remind your kiddo that God has a plan and we can trust Him.


Continue the conversation all week by reminding each other of all the ways that we can trust God!


Also, make sure to sign up for a free Church Kit subscription! We will deliver the first week of each month with all the materials and printouts you need for Church at Home next month, plus we’ve been known to throw in some bonus fun :)

Follow us on Instagram

AND, make sure to stay in the loop by following us on Instagram @missionventura_kids to see what’s new!

See you next week at Mission Kids Church at Home or in person at 5353 Walker St!


Gideon (6/20)


Gideon (6/6)