Jesus is God’s Son!

Hey families!

Welcome to Church at Home! Follow through the instructions, videos, and activities below to create a Mission Kids church experience right in your living room!! We’re so glad you’re here!

Also, head over to at 8:30 every Sunday for Early Childhood Live! It’s all the great content from Church at Home plus a fun chat space to say hi to other families and interact with the video! :)

Love, Mission Kids

This Sunday, we’re discovering…

Main Point: Jesus is God’s Son

Bible Story:  The Angel and Mary - Luke 1:26-33, 38, 46-49

What you do

  1. Watch the worship and story video together (and learn the verse of the month!!)

  2. Read the BIG IDEA section together to reinforce what we heard in the video

  3. Talk about each of the questions to keep the conversation going

  4. Pray together!

  5. Make it - check out our suggested art activity.

  6. Move it - to have some fun, move around, and reinforce the big idea!


Memory Verse

God (point up)

loved the world so much (give yourself a hug)

that he gave (hands out in front of you like you’re offering something)

his only son. (rock arms like rocking a baby)

John 3:16 (hold hands like an open book)


God gave us the words of the Bible to show us who He is!

Practice the verse a few times! In Mission Kids, we often practice saying it different ways, like reallllyyyy sllowwwllyyyy, SUPER LOUD, or with a roar!


Talk it through together

  1. Who did God send to tell us about Jesus? (angels)

  2. Who did the angel visit in our story? (Mary)

  3. How did Mary feel when she first saw the angel? (She was afraid)

  4. What would you do if you saw an angel?

  5. What did the angel tell Mary? (That she was going to have a very special baby, and to name him Jesus.)

  6. Why is Jesus so special? (Because He is God’s son.)

  7. What did Mary tell the angel? (she would do what God wanted her to do)

  8. What is your most favorite gift you have ever received?

Pray Together

Before you pray, ask your kiddo what they are hoping to to give to other and receive for Christmas. Then use the prayer below or say your own.

“Dear God, thank you for blessing me with (kiddo’s name).  Thank You for Christmas and all we get to celebrate this time of year. Thank You for things like (say what your kiddo wants for Christmas). It would be fun to get and give these gifts, but help us remember that we already received the best gift ever: Jesus. We love you, God. In Jesus’ name, amen.”



What you need: Activity Page (view/print below, or grab from your December Church Kit), paper plate, two feathers, scissors, crayons, and glue.

What you do: 

  1. Color and cut out the angel face.

  2. Fold the paper plate to make a triangle for the body with the flaps in front.

  3. Glue the face to the top of the angel and the feathers to the back of the angel.

  4. Place the label or write “Jesus is God’s Son.” on the front of the angel.

  5. Ask your kiddo, “Why is Jesus special?” (Jesus is God’s Son.)


What you need: Two different colors of construction paper, tape

What you do:

  1. Tape one piece of construction paper on one wall, and tape the other one on the opposite wall.

  2.  List two choices for each turn. For example: Would you rather eat an apple or an orange?

  3. Have everyone move to whichever side goes with their choice. Move to the right (color) if they want to eat an apple. Move to the left (color) if they want to eat an orange.

  4. Then, return to the center of the room. Repeat with various choices (animals, foods, plants, etc.).

    1. Some more examples are: Would you rather have a puppy or a kitten, would you rather plant a flower or a tree, would you rather eat hamburgers or pizza, would you rather play soccer or play with blocks, etc.

  5. Remind your kiddo that God made all these good things because God is good!


Continue the conversation all week by reminding each other of what sorts of things God plans for us to do (hint: help others, follow Him, love everyone!)


Also, make sure to sign up for a free Church Kit subscription! We will deliver the first week of each month with all the materials and printouts you need for Church at Home next month, plus we’ve been known to throw in some bonus fun :)

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AND, make sure to stay in the loop by following us on Instagram @missionventura_kids to see what’s new!

See you next week at Mission Kids Church at Home!


Jesus is God’s Son (12/13)


God is Good!