Thank you for your consistent generosity that helps to fuel the mission and ministry of Mission Church! To continue to be the best stewards of the resources God has given us, we’re making the move to Subsplash Giving. Since you are someone who has selected online, recurring giving, we’ll need you to take a few minutes to complete the two steps below!


Step 1

Click the link below and follow these steps to cancel your current recurring gifts:

  • Fill out your information and click “Send Access Link”

  • Follow the link to your personal giving page and cancel your recurring gifts

Step 2

Sign up for Subsplash Giving! Should only take a few minutes to create a giving account, add payment information and set up a new recurring gift:

  • Click the “sign up” tab to create a new account (if you continue as a guest you can make a one time gift, but won't be able to setup recurring giving or pick the date and rhythm for your continued giving).

  • Fill out account information and confirm your email address

  • Follow the email verification link to Mission’s giving page to set up your new recurring gift

  • Getting stuck at a step? Please email and someone on our team will follow up to answer questions or help you set things up!"

Have questions or need help making the switch?