Warm Up and Reflect
10-15 minutes
Like any small group, you want to begin with some conversation, checking in on how people are doing, and if it’s a new group, helping people to get to know one another. You can talk about whatever you’d like, but here are a couple of potential questions to get the conversation going.
What are some of your favorite fall foods, traditions, or memories?
Ask how last week’s application and assignments went. Just as a reminder the assignments were: practice the 3 R’s (Relax, Reflect, and Respond) when engaging with the Bible or show love to a neighbor.
11 minutes
Encourage everyone to open their study guide (download the PDF here) or grab their Bible and get something to take notes with.
Watch the video together as a group (check out these screen sharing tutorials for Zoom, Google Hangouts, or Skype).
Discussion Questions
25-30 minutes
To get the most out of this group discussion, let’s agree to some ground rules:
There are no perfect people allowed, so we won’t “fake fine” or pretend to be something we’re not.
We aren’t here to fix each other, so we won’t advise each other unless asked. We’ll stick to listening and encouraging.
We’ll keep our sharing short so that everyone is able to participate.
We’ll keep what we hear to ourselves, since each person’s story is theirs alone to share.
We’ll show up and join in, because everyone’s input matters and helps.
Below we’ve provided a number of questions that you can use to continue the conversation.
Don’t try to work through all of these. Pick the ones you think will resonate most.
Read Colossians 1:11-14. This passage is considered Paul’s second prayer for the church in Colossae. What are some of the things that stick out to you in this prayer? What do these verses teach us concerning the power of the gospel at work in our lives?
Mike shared how when we are captured by the magnitude of what Jesus has done, gratitude flows out of our love for him. Do you feel (or have you felt) “captured by the magnitude of what Christ has done for you”? How has that resulted in gratitude?
Have you experienced the promises Paul described in Colossians 1:10-12?
What is the most tangible way the forgiveness of Christ has freed you from the dominion of darkness?
Paul prays that the Colossians would get to know Jesus better so they would see themselves as people who have been qualified for heaven. What doubts or other things in your life keep you from feeling qualified?
Read Colossians 1:21-23. Why was it so important to Paul that we be grounded and steadfast in response to the forgiveness and redemption that Christ accomplished?
What does it look like for you to remain grounded and steadfast in your faith?
Wrap Up
5 minutes
Ask if anyone has any prayer requests. Pray for those requests together, and pray that your group members would to stay connected to Jesus and be grateful, even in the midst of challenges. Thank Jesus for rescuing and qualifying us. Pray for hearts full of gratitude for what God has done.
Before closing, encourage people to read Colossians 2 before the next group meeting. Also, give them one of the following assignments. You might also let them choose between them.
Each day this week alternate between reading Colossians 1 and Colossians 2.
Take time to think about and meditate on words of each chapter. Read each out loud one day. Pray for an open heart that would see Jesus in a new way. Thank him for being everything we need.
Colossians 1:21 reminds us that we all have great stories.
Write down your story of redemption this week and consider sharing it with someone.