Rescued. Forgiven.
Totally NEW.


God created and rescued you to make a difference in people’s lives. You were uniquely and intentionally created with gifts and experiences that can ALL be used to help someone else find and follow Jesus!

Learning about and exercising those gifts is something to do in every area of life - but being a part of a Mission volunteer team is the perfect pace to stretch those muscles! And it can help you turn your Sunday experience into one that’s about others as well as about you.

It’s an important step toward becoming more like Jesus, and also one of the best ways to connect with others and make an impact at the same time.

We’d love to help you find the right fit for you! Best way to start is to look through the teams online - then if you find one or a few things that seem like a good starting point, fill out the form and get in touch with the team leader!


We found a great 12-day Bible reading plan that’ll take you just 5-10 minutes a day! It’s called…

WHAT’S NEXT? The Journey to Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Make a Difference

Doing a plan like this will help you get acquainted with the Bible, build a habit of spending time with God, and also set you up with a better picture of what life following Jesus looks like.


Hopefully your baptism was a mountaintop experience: something memorable and special that helped you feel closer to God than normal - or maybe ever before.

You’ve been experiencing something you could call an awakening, and that’s a huge gift from God! You’ve been awakened to God’s incredible love for you, his passionate pursuit of you, and his plan for your life.

But awakening doesn’t last forever - and it shouldn’t! You don’t climb a mountain and build a house there. You enjoy the view, soak it in, and then descend back to ground level - normal life.

So right now, as you’re riding high after your baptism experience, it’s important to know what to expect from this mountaintop experience.

Your awakening to God’s love doesn’t mean you’re going to get it all right. How could it?! Your baptism was a declaration of your realization that you were powerless without God’s help - and that hasn’t changed in the last few days!

The most important thing about the mountaintop experience is actually how you come back down.

John Ortberg says, “The right response to awakening is obedience. When we are given moments of closeness to God, our calling is not to try to prolong them. It’s to surrender our wills.”

You’re leaving the mountaintop, headed back to your ordinary life, work, demands, and struggles. But there’s one big difference: Jesus is going with you.

The best life is found when we listen to God and do what he says. It’s the entirety of our lives following Jesus. There will be other mountaintops - but the response will always be the same.

Listen to God. Do what he says. Listen to God. Do what he says.

So practice that as you descend back into ordinarily life. In any moment throughout your day, whether in the Starbucks drive-through or an argument with a friend, repeat this one idea as a prayer:

Love God with all that I have.
Love my neighbor as myself.
God, how can I do this right now?