Session 5:
Spiritual Stagnation

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0:00 - Intro // announcement about 7th session // teaser for bonus content
5:21 - Things that hinder your ability to live out of your true self // God is NOT into stagnation
11:15 - The "Give to Grow" Principle
17:30 - Pain as a message from God // Change begins with discomfort
29:04 - Tommy and Jim debrief the first video - spiritual constipation, faith grows with risk, accountability and support
35:45 - Wounded in your giftedness // religion vs. relationship
47:31 - Make peace with your past by making your pain someone else's gain
50:33 - Tommy and Jim debrief the second video - effective friendships, the vision of what we're becoming
53:15 - Emotional wounds are like physical wounds (hyper-vigilance) // when your buttons get pushed
55:59 - The isolating power of secrets
1:01:24 - Tommy and Jim debrief the third video - secrets, confessing to others, wrap-up

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Take the Spiritual Stagnation Self-Evaluation


0:00 - Intro // Michael's goal for the Change Workshop // the power of hope
4:05 - Why are so many addictions MORE prevalent in Christians?
15:32 - If recovery is returning to a former healthy state... what happens if I don't have a healthy state to return to?
27:02 - Why does a loving God allow so much evil to happen?
38:58 - Will our wounds from childhood ever completely heal? // What if you don't have any childhood trauma?
44:21 - What if I can't get in touch with or identify a Protective Personality?
46:48 - How do loners embrace being born to be social creatures?
52:02 - When I'm leading others, how do I balance being transparent with my own struggles and maintaining a position of leadership or authority?
57:14 - Michael's encouragement for everyone at the midpoint of the Workshop
1:01:36 - The "Outrage Machine" of social media // Cultural lies about PAIN and discomfort

Questions for Reflection

Michael said that spiritual stagnation comes from things that hinder us from living out of our true selves.

  • Reflect on any periods of spiritual stagnation in your own life. Does that definition reflect that time?

  • What symptoms of spiritual stagnation seem to be most common for you personally?

Pain is often our biggest motivator for change, but the thing we avoid at all costs. But there is usually a message from God in our pain. For example… when I feel lonely, God is telling me I need intimacy.

  • Think about the uncomfortable emotions you try to avoid - what could b the message from God about something you need?

Michael said that although we start our spiritual lives by receiving to grow, we end up growing the most by giving. He said we are often too spiritually constipated.

  • What are your primary outlets for giving to others?

  • Does your spiritual life feel balanced, too focused on receiving, or too focused on giving?

Our enemy often tries to wound us specifically in the place we are most gifted.

  • How might your wounds or fears relate to the ways that God has wired and gifted you?

  • Who could you ask to share with you some of the ways they see that God has gifted you?

Sometimes people push your buttons… but they didn’t put the button there. Emotional wounds are a lot like physical wounds - we are hyper-vigilant about protecting them.

  • What are your most common buttons? How do you normally react when they’re pushed?

  • What put that button there in the first place?

Any and all secrets isolate us from ourselves, God, others, and our ministry.

  • What secrets do you need to try to get out into the open with a safe person?

  • What’s your first step toward making that happen?

Talk to someone about what you’re learning.

You can start a great conversation with a few simple questions whether they're going through this workshop or not. That conversation could help you internalize the content better, give you a better understanding of your own journey, and strengthen the relationship with the person you're talking to.

  • Why do you think our culture has become so obsessed with avoiding pain and discomfort? How do you think that’s affected us?

  • What are some of the ways that you think God has gifted me to be a blessing to others?

  • What is one way I could serve you this week? What need can I meet for you?

Want to talk to someone from the Mission Team?


Session 4: Healing Heart Wounds


Session 6: Codependency & Hope