Session 3:
True & False Beliefs

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0:00 - Intro / new home for Change Workshop content
4:44 - Effects of loneliness
7:31 - Ways we isolate
19:40 - Ways our limbic system avoids giving up survival behaviors and emotions
24:20 - Jim and Tommy debrief the first video

30:05 - Thoughts and beliefs → create emotions → that drive behavior
35:04 - Replacing self-lies with truth
40:48 - Jim and Tommy debrief the second video

45:32 - Common foundational fears for men and women
52:46 - Jim and Tommy debrief the third video
54:35 - Preview of Session 3 bonus content on the unique dangers of porn

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0:00 - Porn Statistics
3:55 - Why do Christians have such a hard time talking about sex?
9:29 - Porn Effects

Need help breaking free from porn?

Here are 3 incredible organizations that run support groups, host workshops, provide screen accountability, and more.

Pure Desire // Covenant Eyes // XXXChurch

Questions for Reflection

Michael said loneliness is the #1 cause of relapse into self-destructive behaviors.

  • How would you rate your own level of loneliness, and how do you think it affects you right now? 

Loneliness doesn’t just happen TO us - we isolate ourselves in many ways to defend against betrayal. 

  • Looking back at the ways we isolate, what are your strongest tendencies to keep people away from your vulnerable self?  

Thoughts and beliefs create emotions that drive behavior. So the goal is to replace self-lies with truth. 

  • Think of a recurring negative behavior and spend some time thinking/praying about both the emotion that drives it and the thought/belief that might create it.

Michael said that most men deeply fear that “I’ll never be enough; I don’t have what it takes.” 

  • How true is that fear for you?

Michael said that most women deeply fear that “I’ll always be alone; I’ll never be loved.” 

  • How true is that fear for you?

Talk to someone about what you’re learning.

You can start a great conversation with a few simple questions whether they're going through this workshop or not. That conversation could help you internalize the content better, give you a better understanding of your own journey, and strengthen the relationship with the person you're talking to.

  • (if they also attended the Change Workshop…) What have you learned about yourself that has surprised you so far? 

  • Are there any ways you’ve seen me potentially isolating myself from you or the important people in my life? 

  • Investing your time in someone is one of the most powerful ways to value someone. How can we invest more and better time in the important people in our lives?

Want to talk to someone from the Mission Team?


Session 2: Roots of Addiction


Session 4: Healing Heart Wounds