Session 1:
What’s Broken?

Although we talked about “Growth Plans” in this session, we are no longer using them.
Everything you need for this session is on this page.

Jump to a specific section using the timecodes below!

0:00 - Intro to the Workshop and Michael Dye
6:24 - The Mystery of Addiction, Romans 7
14:58 - Definitions: sobriety, addiction, recovery, process of recovery
20:32 - Jim and Tommy debrief the first clip and respond to questions

25:44 - What's broken? Why are we self-destructive?
27:44 - Addiction: Sin or Disease?
34:50 - The Pre-Relapse Brain
38:09 - Jim and Tommy debrief the second clip and respond to questions

42:26 - The biblical "heart" = the limbic system; change your heart to change your behaviors
50:14 - Jim and Tommy debrief the third clip and preview Session 2

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Questions for Reflection

Read Roman 7:14-25.

  • How do you relate to this passage and what specifically are you hoping to see change?

Michael Dye taught through the definitions of some important terms (below). How have you seen these terms play out in your own personal recovery process?

ADDICTION: Continuing self-destructive behaviors in spite of consequences (these behaviors likely exist as a way to cope with something).

  • What behaviors come to mind?

SOBRIETY: Abstaining from an activity.

  • Have you focused on sobriety instead of recovery?

RECOVERY: Returning to a former healthy state, who you were before you were harmed by yourself and others.

  • What does your former healthy state look like?

PROCESS OF RECOVERY: Identify fears from wounds and move toward resolving them with accountability and support

  • How does thinking about this process make you feel? Do you know where healthy accountability and support will come from?

Michael taught through the following progression.

Pain → Creates desire to change → Seek ability to Change → Hope → Risk → Vulnerable with my sin/secrets to someone with grace and competency

  • Where have you gotten stuck in the past? Where are you currently; and if stuck, why? How can Michael’s teaching help you move forward?

Michael said "the mind will replay what the heart can’t delete”.

  • Spend some time prayerfully reflecting (asking God to reveal to you) what things your heart keeps replaying from your past that he might want to bring healing to through this workshop.

Once you've done some writing, spend a few minutes praying. Focus especially on anything this session triggered or brought up in you and just sit with it. "Linger with what provokes you." Ask God to show you what he's allowing you to see (and be freed from).

Talk to someone about what you’re learning.

You can start a great conversation with a few simple questions whether they're going through this workshop or not. That conversation could help you internalize the content better, give you a better understanding of your own journey, and strengthen the relationship with the person you're talking to.

Here are some questions to get you started:

  • Why did you sign up for the Change Workshop?

  • What was the most memorable or helpful information you learned from this session?

  • What was one thing from Session 1 that gave you hope for the future?

  • What is most likely to stand in your way as you go through a process of recovery (moving toward your fears created by wounds with accountability and support)?

Want to talk to someone from the Mission Team?


Session 2: Roots of Addiction